Tuesday, April 28, 2009

The First Mom Classics

Where the Wild Things Are
Author and Illustrator: Maurice Sendak

Summary: The night Max wears his wolf suit costume terrible things happen. This is the night he sails away to the wild things. There they rompas, and roar and roll terrible eyes. But despite all of the wild things Max becomes lonely and decides that he will sail back to his home. This story is a classic and one that children of all ages will love. After reading this you may have to hold your own wild rompas!

The night Max wore his wolf suit and made mischief of one kind

Ages: 2 and up
Use to teach: Mom Classics, temper

There's a Nightmare in my Closet
Author and Illustrator: Mercer Mayer

Summary: The little boy in this story knows there is a nightmare in his closet and does all he needs to protect himself from his nightmare. But once and for all he decides to take care of his nightmare. With his army helmet and his pop gun he solves the problem of his nightmare.
This is a quick easy to read book.
Quickly I turned on the light and caught him siting at the foot of my bed. "Go away, Nightmare, or I'll shoot you," I said. I shot him anyway.

Ages: 3 and up
Use to teach: mom classics, nightmares

May I Bring a Friend
Author: Beatrice Schenk de Regniers
Illustrator: Beni Montresor

Summary: When invited to have tea with the King and Queen of course you must bring a friend. Throughout this book as the little boy is invited to the King and Queen's he always asks to bring a friend. Each time you will be surprised by the unusual guests who end up spending, tea, lunch, and breakfast with the royalty. This book will delight readers and will keep you turning the page so you will be able to find out what special guest will arrive next. Although this story is fun and has it does have a litle more text per page which may lose the interest of young readers

The King and Queen invited me to come to their house on Sunday for tea. I told the Queen and the Queen told the King I had a friend I wanted to bring. The King told the Queen, "My dear, my dear, Any friend of our friend is welcome here." So I brought my friend....

Ages: 3/4-8
Use to teach: Mom Classics, Animals, Rhyming patterns

1 comment:

  1. Hayley those books all bring lots of memories. You do such a good job describing the books. What talent
