Thursday, August 20, 2009

Cowboy Classics

So I wasn't quite up and running when I thought I was.... but now this book bug is really ready to go and so for the next two weeks we are going to have some cowboys classics along with a cowboy potato bug project, so we hope your up to it partner!
Little Britches and the Rattlers
Author: Eric A Kimmel
Illustrator: Vincent Nguyen
Summary: Little Britches in on her way to the rodeo to win the calf roping contest. She set out on her pony dressed in her finest cowboy gear. Little did she know that she would meet a bunch of rattlers with a appetite for little girls or their brand new rodeo outfit.
"It's gonna be a fine day," Little Britches said to herself. "I can feel it down to my boots." Little Britches took a shortcut through the dry gulch. She hadn't gone far when a rattlesnake lifted his head. "Little Britches-ch-ch-es, I'm gonna s-s-swaller you up!" The rattler hissed.

Ages: 3-9
Use to teach: Cowboys

Deputy Harvey and the Ant Cow Caper
Author and Illustrator: Brad Sneed

Summary: Someone is stealing cows from the towns herd in Ant Hill and it's causing quite a stir. It's been said that a gang of lady bugs are the culprits. Deputy Harvey is off to find out just who the cow thief and what he finds is quite surprising. This book is a fun cowboy book involving ladybugs, ants, and aphids, you kids will have a lot of fun with it.

Way out west at the foot of an old cottonwood, there is a sleepy little town by the name of Ant Hill. Nothing much ever happens there, and that is just fine with most folks, especially Deputy Harvey. But this morning was different. The deputy had just come from the Milking Barn and there was extra git in his giddyup as he hurried down dusty Main Street.

Ages: 4-9
Use to teach: Insects, Cowboys

Cindy Ellen, A Wild Western Cinderella
Author: Susan Lowell
Illustrator: Jane Manning

Summary: Cindy Ellen is one beautiful cowgirl who is forced to do all the ranch chores for her ornery stepmother and step sisters. And although she mends fences all day and tends the cows she is still as nice as ever. When the big cattle king invites all the neighbors for a square dance Cindy Ellen wishes she could go as well, and with the help of her fairy godmother she might just pull it off. This is a cute spin off of cinderella that is creative and fun.

Then one day the biggest cattle king for miles around invited all his neighbors to a two-day celebration, first a wild and woolly rodeo, and then a square dance-a real western fandango!
Ages: 5-9
Use to teach: Cowboys, Writing, Setting

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